Project: Itch

Project Details


ITCH is a creative content agency that was built on a love for film making.

When ITCH launched in 2010 we had the pleasure of working with them to design and develop their very first website, and like all good businesses they’ve evolved over the years.

Now (a few years later) we were entrusted again to create an all-new website design and user experience that was better aligned with their values of today.


“Action speaks louder than words” was the philosophy we took into this project.

We wanted to deliver a truly aesthetic, energetic and engaging website that would showcase ITCH’s diverse portfolio of filmmaking projects. With this in mind we created a clean-cut, highly visual design where the quality of the work would speak for itself.

We achieved a truly dynamic website that demands a users full attention. Users can now fluently navigate the website and view ITCH projects seamlessly on all devices.

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